Friday, March 11, 2011

Change start menu text on XP

Here is a simple way to do this

Step 1 – Modify Explorer.exe
In order to make the changes,
the file explorer.exe located at C:
\Windows needs to be edited.
Since explorer.exe is a binary file
it requires a special editor. For
This purpose I have
used Resource Hacker. Resource
HackerTM is a freeware utility to
view, modify, rename, add,
delete and extract resources in
32bit Windows executables and
resource files (*.res). It
incorporates an internal resource
script compiler and decompiler
and works on Win95, Win98,
WinME, WinNT, Win2000 and
WinXP operating systems.
Navigate here , type resource hacker in search box and download it.
The first step is to make a
backup copy of the file
explorer.exe located at C:
\Windows\explorer. Place it in a
folder somewhere on your hard
drive where it will be safe. Start
Resource Hacker and open
explorer.exe located at C:

The category we are going to be
using is String Table. Expand it
by clicking the plus sign then
navigate down to and expand
string 37 followed by
highlighting 1033. If you are
using the Classic Layout rather
than the XP Layout, use number
38. The right hand pane will
display the stringtable. We’re going to modify
item 578, currently showing the
word “start” just as it displays
on the current Start button.
There is no magic here. Just
double click on the word “start”
so that it’s highlighted, making
sure the quotation marks are not
part of the highlight. They need
to remain in place, surrounding
the new text that you’ll type. Go
ahead and type your new entry.

notice that after the new text
string has been entered the
Compile Script button that was
grayed out in is now
active. I won’t get into
what’s involved in compiling a
script, but suffice it to say it’s
going to make this exercise
worthwhile. Click Compile Script
and then save the altered file
using the Save As command on
the File Menu. Do not use the
Save command – Make sure to
use the Save As command and
choose a name for the file. Save the newly named
file to C:\Windows.

Step 2 – Modify the Registry
Now that the modified
explorer.exe has been created
it’s necessary to modify the
registry so the file will be
recognized when the user logs
on to the system. If you don’t
know how to access the registry
. I’m not sure this article is for
you, but just in case it’s a
temporary memory lapse, go to
Start (soon to be something else)
Run and type regedit in the
Open: field. Navigate to:
\ Microsoft\ Windows NT\

In the right pane, double
click the Shell entry to open the
Edit String dialog box. In Value data: line,
enter the name that was used to
save the modified explorer.exe
file. Click OK.
Close Registry Editor and either
log off the system and log back in, or reboot the entire system if
that’s your preference. If all went
as planned you should see your
new Start button with the
revised text...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mourning Dawn...

Its morning dawn, sun took the stead
Me on roof, sun heed and said
I am the light that lits everything
There is nothing that i haven't read
I turned to it, and onto i said
I am still sleaping, can u lit my head
Though there is nothing, in gardens u havent seen
The one in my mind, have u read?
It angrily roled, and loudly told
I am the one who heats things red
Without me apparent, u will die of cold
There wont be spring but winter instead
Looking down, I modestly said
The heat within me, could u led?
U are foced to do it, u dont know then
I like the winter, can u go for rest,
Sun got silent and started to rise
I asked with mull, thinking by chest
Why u are strict, or restricted to single lane
What u follow, whats in that west
Giving a smile, it now simply said
Its my Master's hall, for whom i shed
I am nothing, its my creed of creation
I have got to follow; of what i get
Paying off, it left my nest
It headed towards other to take the test
Haider got through it, because of similar luck
Strangely i am sitting in shade with a hat...

Saturday, February 5, 2011


In Life it spins and usually rains
Falls slowly although it pains
Whatever happens it has a reason
It requires courage so it trains
Tied with ropes u may hang along
Make It fear and break the chains
Stick along and follow it straight
You will get it what is so main
Break Huge walls and hope for more
Try your best its never invain
Its aims that makes world ur way
Living without it u are insane
Fight everythng to get your love
Face difficulties an old quaint
If You give no care and stay fain
Haider, love will impose on what you gain...

Monday, January 31, 2011

its raining

Sun is rising
Proud and craned
Clouds are opposing
From peaks chains
Road turned black
For the rays to come
Burns the water
But still it rains
Now Air fights
Pushing from sides
Rain is struggling
Crammed in lane
Defeating the opponents
Makes its way
Tickling on the roof
Falls so drained
Thought and dreams
With no means
Scaters away
With its grace
Sleepy sleeps
In lithe cream
Breaking the silence
It Cries insane
Affection of lovers
Shreded in the air
Repels back
To its respective planes
Blotto clouds
Different amongst
Sheding the love
Rides over cairns
Scattering the light
Into colours of beauty
Running over each
Directs to the same
Thunders are cracking
Making hearts grave
Blockade of sunlight
Struggles but lame
Crowd of droplets
Like arrows of rain
Aligns to grid
Falls the same
Playing with them
A mad man's game
Standing in the middle
Still Haider tames...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Only you

In every terrain thr is only u
A jingle in air and thr is only u
I see smthng i never had seen
Its my dreams and thr is only u
Whr thr is solitude, u race as yore
Long ago there was only you
A look around, u shout loud
Deep and drowned thr is only u
I never met yet, never think will
My mortal thoughts and there is only u
A flicker of eye, or open wide
When it tie, there is only you
As darkness fell, it just cant hide
Behind everything there is only u
I cover almost everything i could
Everything is as for only you
When thr is Haider, there is always smthng
Its only and only and only you...

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I cant see

Every thing is blur, i cant see
Thick and curved, i cant see
Whr is the world, doubt it dwells
It doesnt exist, or i cant see
It is a part, a glance to love
World is blind or i cant see
The shine that rise, lits our eyes
Its distinct lure, i cant see
Dont run with world, run the world
Its simply silent, i cant see
A demand for worthless, do and goal
Where is the skill, i cant see
Its a shatter of flame that rusts the seed
Where is the rise, i cant see
Haider its something i search in me
I seek the truth that i cant see...

Stress doesn't rest

Lot of stress
Never at rest,
Just cant handle,
Whats in the chest

Turn it down
The tensions crown
I want to peddle
Through this mess

Resist the caution
The only option
Nothng settles
Its terrible test

Lane is dead
On its red
Valour startles
Enormous ness

Thoughts emerges
Ground searches
The hidden temple
No success

It does live
I do believe
Whispers tackles
Least a less

Stop to hear
The unheard tears
Aint no sample
Little nest

Words i listen
Are still unspoken
Life is a hurdle
Though a bless...