Wednesday, February 17, 2010


UFO is still a mystery. No one knows from where does it comes and to whom do it belongs. The story of UFO is very old. Since the first camera was created, it iz reported consistently with dozens of witnesses. The pictures of UFO is listed since 19th century, whn cameras were limited to few. Right now in USA, 200 people report each month that they have seen UFO. About 14% of USA in a year claims similar. See
What is UFO? Who rides it?
UFO is a kind of space-ship that, according to reserchers, belongs to extratarrestial life. There are certain reports of UFO crashes found in net. A famous case of UFO crash took place in 1947 on a ranch near Roswell, N.M. Although the government said that it was a top secret whether baloon, an Army Officer who helped recover the debris came forward 30 years later claimed assertingly that it was an Alien spacecraft that was crashed. Reports later surfaced that a base nurse told that autopsies were performed on Aliens from the wreckage...
Pictures and Video clips of UFO and Aliens are easily available in world wide web. I love to have a sight on them and hope that someday a clear explaination will solve this mystery. Tc. Bye...